We are exploring opening a faith-based respite program at St. John's Church in downtown Savannah for people living with dementia. For four hours a day participants would join with trained volunteers for a day full of games, music, art, exercise, shared meals and service projects. There is no distinction made between a participant and a volunteer - creating an atmosphere of service and allowing all involved to form connections and support each other through life’s challenges. The program allows the participant to have a feeling of independence; it gives the caregiver time for themselves; and it provides meaning and joy to the volunteers who are able to serve as God commanded. If we know how much God has done for us, we can glorify him by doing the same for others. “Freely you have received, freely give” (St. Matthew 10:8).
The video above is by Respite for All and provides a good overview of the program. Respite for All is providing guidance for our ministry.